Monday, October 25, 2010


I have been 'decorating' since I can remember. I was always rearranging the furniture in my bedroom and changing the color scheme etc. Then I started to decorate other rooms in the house. I got cut off when I stripped the dining room wallpaper after school one day ( without prior clearance. Oops.)

I started poking around yard sales and thrift stores when I was about 8yrs. My mother was not on the same page with that endeavor either. She didn't appreciate 'other peoples castoffs'. I couldn't get her to view my treasures as 'future antiques'. But I was hooked on rummaging and digging and haven't given up my love of flea markets and yard sales.  Along with that passion comes  my innate affection for DIY.  I am happiest and proudest when I am able to refashion, repurpose, reconstruct, basically recycle.  Once you discover  that you can totally transform an ugly, broken, outdated piece of furniture with paint, fabric, a hot glue gun... the sky is the limit.  And you gave that dear old article a second life.

    I did end up polishing my skills at design school. I learned lots and am grateful for the knowledge shared, but making beautiful environments need not be expensive.  Your personal space should reflect you; your interests. Your taste, your travels, your life.  Too many people live in a house not a home.  There is little difference between their bedroom and a hotel room.  I think this is unhealthy.

    It's fun to arrange counter tops and bookshelves as if they were little stage sets.  You get a theme going and then that dresser top has life, it becomes art.   It just takes a little time and some inspiration to arrange your desktop, or kitchen counter or bathroom sink in a way that has a little flair.

    Our interiors have a huge affect on our moods and our health.  It's been proven that certain colors elicit certain reactions.  Every individual has had his or her "favorite color" since kindergarten.  That color is still your comfort color.  Make it your accent color or use it in the bathroom (which it turns out is most peoples psychological 'safe room').

    Take care to arrange your surroundings so that they make you happy and healthy and that others who are welcome into your space can get a glimpse of your private self.  It's a nice thing to share.

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